Simplify Your Care Payment with an Assignment of Benefit
To simplify the financial process of care, we can be your Assignment of Benefit (AOB) with your Long-Term Care insurance provider at no additional cost.

The Home Care Assistance Advantage – Long-term Care Insurance Management
Most LTC, (long term care), insurance companies allow their insured to elect an assignment of benefits, (AOB). An AOB allows the LTC insurance company to pay Home Care Assistance directly instead of reimbursing the family. This is a huge benefit to our clients because they are no longer responsible for paying their full weekly invoice amount and then waiting up to 45 days to be reimbursed by the LTC insurance company. Instead, the client is only responsible for paying the amount that exceeds what their LTC insurance company pays instead of the total weekly invoice amount. In addition, Home Care Assistance takes on the responsibility of ensuring that all invoices and daily visit notes are sent to the LTC Insurance company as required.
Example: Family receives $2,500 of weekly care services and their LTC insurance company will reimburse up to $1,400 each week. The family would then pay Home Care Assistance $1,100 each week rather than paying the entire $2,500 and then wait for reimbursement by the LTC insurance company.
This preserves cash flow for our clients, allows them to budget their cash position, and shifts the burden of following up on payments from the LTC Insurance company to Home Care Assistance.
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Home Care that Makes a Difference.
Our commitment to excellence makes us the premier home care company and maintains our reputation as the “live in specialists”.
“On behalf of our entire family, we should like to thank you for the wonderful care you gave to our father Howard in his home. Dad was particularly fond of Michael as a caregiver. It takes special people to work with those who are frail. Thank you again for your support and patience with all of us during a difficult time.”